
Archive for September 17th, 2008

A Few Little Things

It seems odd to post about every little tiny thing that Iain does…but they are the things I am more likely to forget and considering how much I’m forgetting nowadays…I am writing down EVERYTHING!!! Iain is sleeping quite a bit today…just like yesterday…which means I have slightly more time on my hands than usual. Don’t worry…I have MORE than enough to do around here to keep me occupied while he’s asleep. I’m more having trouble fitting everything I need to do into his nap times!

Anyway…Rachel commented on this yesterday and I just HAD to elaborate on Iain’s chipmunk-like characteristics 🙂 Iain mostly feeds himself now…he doesn’t really appreciate being spood-fed by mom anymore now that he knows he can do it himself so…he’s mostly eating table food and such that he can pick up and eat all by himself. Luckily…he can pick up anything no matter how big (within reason) or small. I don’t know why (and I’m sure many babies do this) but he always stores food away in his high chair and bib for later. It’s kind of like he says…”one for me…two for my chair…one for me…a hand full for my chair”…etc. And when his tray is empty…he seaches for what he stored away and…if he’s finished before the stash is gone…he looks for it the next time he’s in his chair (of course…I always clean his chair off/out before using it again so…much to his dismay…he never finds the food again). Silliness.

Tika probably loves this more than any of us (because…honestly…I don’t really appreciate it…haha)…because whenever I pick him up out of his chair…most of the stored food falls onto the floor and she promptly eats all of it. Tika absolutely LOVES when Iain eats…not just for the stored food but because Iain has learned that if he drops the food on the floor…Tika will eat it (she waits there…and if…for whatever reason…she’s closed away in a different room…she will whine if she knows he’s eating and she’s not there to help clean up)…and Iain thinks it’s hilarious when Tika eats his food (will have to watch this one closely!!) so he’ll drop it on purpose if you don’t watch him close enough. Iain has also learned that if he puts his hands down low enough for her to reach (she’s a very little dog)…she’ll lick his hands…loveliness (wash cloths are nearby all the time!) so…he does this quite often during meal times. It’s pretty much the only time she’s NOT afraid of him…so he loves it!

Tika has also taken to playing with Iain…at least…he thinks it’s playing…I think she sees it as protecting her squirrel…haha. He’ll take her squirrel and crawl around with it in his hand as fast as he can (which is pretty fast!) and eventually Tika will get fed up and try and take it back. This leads to tug-of-war…which Tika almost always wins…even though she’s about half his weight (being only 12 lbs)…haha. I think he’s at a disadvantage though because the second she grabs it…he squeals and laughs and thinks it’s the greatest thing…honestly probably doesn’t have the greatest hold on the squirrel anymore…haha. It’s sooooo cute!

I absolutely LOVE Iain’s reaction to the pets…especially the cats (he loves playing with Tika, though). Whenever he sees the cats…he squeals EXTREMELY loud with a HUGE smile on his face…his “pet cry”…and as soon as he’s no longer paralyzed with joy which takes about a minute!…he crawls right after them trying to catch them. Luckily…the “pet cry” warns the cats and they promptly get out of reach (well…at least Chewy does…Hagrid waits till Iain latches onto his tail…he’s a little slower to move…’cause he’s lazy…then gets pissed off and after we’ve pried Iain’s fingers off of him…he leaves…but…that doesn’t happen too often because…like I said…Iain’s not too subtle so…we get Hagrid out of his reach before Iain lunges…haha). Hagrid has no patience for Iain…oddly enough…I thought Chewy would be worse with him…but…Chewy at least runs away…not happily…and I still don’t like the way he looks at Iain but…Hagrid will just stick around until he gets to pissed he tries to bite Iain (which is why we get Hagrid out of Iain’s way…not that Iain cares…he thinks it’s hilarious and goes back for more but…it’s not good for Hagrid to bite…obviously).

Ok…so that was very babbley but…that’s ok. Iain should be awake soon so…I’m off to get a few more things done.

Oh…and I took a couple pictures of Tika yesterday…and Iain’s actually NOT in them…haha (sorry…none of the cats this time)…


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