
Archive for July 10th, 2008

Iain is 9 months old today. That’s 3/4 of a year…haha. I can’t imagine everything that’s going to happen this next month…if last month is any indication! Last month was just insane. It was a month of milestones. Crawling…sitting up…2 teeth…standing up…saying “dada.” Most recently…well…he’s done it since he started standing (July 8)…he walks away from furniture…no scooting along for him…haha…he’s too brave for that!…he doesn’t do very well…only makes a couple steps before falling and…consequently…screaming (for attention more than anything) but…he tries and does quite well considering he just started to crawl on a consistent basis about a week and a half ago! 🙂 At first I was a nervous reck…and honestly…most of the time…I’m still a nervous reck (I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t) but…I’m getting more used to him falling…he’s getting better at catching himself…he puts his hands out behind him and catches himself so he doesn’t hit his head as much (he’s very intelligent 🙂 )…of course…he doesn’t know where to go from there…once his arms/hands are out behind him…he just stays like that and laughs…it’s really cute…I always end up helping him but I’m trying to show him he can roll over from there…hehe.

He’s adorable…and obviously brilliant 🙂 Like my mom said…now I can say…I remember “the day he crawled”…’cause that’s pretty much what he did…he crawled for a day and decided it just wasn’t enough. The second he could stand he decided that, obviously, if he can stand…he can walk…and that’s all he does now is try to walk (he does sit sometimes too because obviously standing/trying to walk is a tiring passtime)…it’s like he had his whole route planned out though…how to get into everything!! He also got his first bruise last night 😦 Right in the middle of his forehead…not very bad or anything but…noticeable if you know where to look. The first of many to come I am sure! He hit his head pretty good on the corner of the TV attempting to grab the images on the screen (something he’s done from his walker for a while)…don’t really know how he did it…and I was right next to him…luckily…it wasn’t a rounded corner so it only required a few seconds of crying 🙂

Anyway…today, we went to Iain’s soon-to-be pediatrician’s office to sign a records release form so that it could be faxed to his pediatrician in NY so that they will fax his records out here. We can’t make his 9 month appointment till they get his records…something I should have done earlier and tried to do earlier but not having a car (yep…only one of our three cars is currently working) makes it difficult to do errands so…his 9 month appt. will be late…not really too worried about that though…there are no pressing matters…the only reason I’m anxious for it is because I want to know his “stats” and I’m assuming he needs some shots. It doesn’t take long to fax records though so I’m assuming they’ll have them by Monday at the latest and then I can make an appointment…it shouldn’t be more than 2 weeks late…just annoying because I’ve been very good at making sure he has his appointments no more than 2 days late.

Tonight, we went to Jim’s grandparents’ for dinner…a very good dinner. Iain got his first meal of “table food”…we mashed up some of the carrots and potatoes and he ate them from a big people metal spoon ’cause it was kind of a spur of the moment thing and he didn’t have his spoon…he was bouncing up and down…begging for more…he LOVED joining in with the rest of us. He always wants to eat what we are eating when we are eating it and today he was allowed…and LOVED it…great fun!

He didn’t take either nap today (morning or afternoon)…which is odd for him…he usually loves his naps (it’s getting him to sleep at night that’s difficult!)…he was tired…just wouldn’t sleep in his crib…having dad home always screws up his schedule…haha…so he kept falling asleep on me…pictures from today aren’t all that interesting because when he was doing interesting things like standing and attempting to walk…we were enjoying it too much to take pictures but…I finished the 8 to 9 month album and started the 9 to 10 month.

Here are a few from today…

This was his first nap today…I can’t believe he still falls asleep on me like this at 9 months…happiness!! He is so independent when he’s awake (barely wants to play on the floor anymore…playing is over-rated…when you can try to walk!) that it’s hard to believe how dependent he is when he’s tired/sleeping…I love his independence (because honestly…he’s not so independent that I can take my eye off him for even a second!) but…I also love that he still depends on me to fall asleep 🙂

When he woke up (like 30 minutes later) I put him in Grandpa’s recliner and he got a real kick out of it. Jim and I were sitting on the couch eating lunch (ready to pounce if he made any sign of movement…which he didn’t!) and I think he got a kick out of being “one of the guys”…he never likes being “left out”…


Loving his icey…

Enjoying his second nap…mom gets very tired when baby doesn’t take his nap…

Tomorrow we have to replace Iain’s bottle nipples…they say not to use them longer than 3 months and though I wasn’t planning on replacing them (I wanted him to be using a sippy cup by now…hahahahahahaha…he’ll only use normal cups and I can’t give him his formula in that…just doesn’t work)…he won’t drink formula from anything but a bottle so…off we go to replace them. He loves water from our glasses…another one of those…”you guys do it…why can’t I” things 🙂 He’s our little buddy and wants to do everything we do….regardless of the fact that he’s only 9 months old. We are going to get a couple slow flow and I’m going to try and get him to drink water when he wakes up in the middle of the night instead of formula (wish me luck!!). I don’t like him falling asleep with formula with teeth and all…it’s a pain to clean his mouth/teeth while he’s asleep and he gets plenty of formula during the day now that it’s not a necessity (I’ve been keeping track the past few days and usually he gets 30 ounces so…he could cut back a little and still be fine!…he doesn’t usually finish his bottle at night anyway). I don’t know how much he will like that, though, he loves his formula!

I’m also going to pick up some…eeekkk…pacifiers…against everything I ever wanted to do…he will ONLY get them at night if he wants it…he’s gotten into the habit of using his bottle like a pacifier but when he finishes the formula…he just sucks air…which isn’t good and if I take the bottle away…he wakes up screaming so…we are going to try a pacifier so I don’t have to take it away from him. He will NEVER get them in public…but I have to try something at naps and bedtime. Naps are ridiculous…if he just had a bottle but wasn’t ready for sleep…he still expects one right before his nap to put him to sleep…even if it’s been only 15 minutes so…though he’s not drinking too much formula…it gets a little ridiculous…you know? Just needing a bottle because he needs to go to sleep. Will have to see how that works…

So…Iain turns a year old in 3 months and we are already starting to plan his 1st Birthday Party. Nothing big and expensive…some people go a little overboard I think…considering the kid won’t remember anything anyway…and you basically just do it for the pictures to show them later. But…we are definitely going to make a big deal about it…with just close friends and family. His birthday is on a Friday this year so…we might actually do it on his birthday…we shall have to see…it’s not for 3 months…we might end up doing it on the Sunday (the 12th), though, ’cause Jim has to work and all. I’m hoping to pack his birthday (the 10th) so full of activities that there is no time to reminisce about his birth…let’s move on please! He’ll be a year old…enough talk about his birth already! I don’t like remembering it…I don’t like talking about it…and I don’t like hearing other people talk about it! Basically all I’ve planned is the cake and the theme (it’ll be a surprise, though, so…don’t think you’ll find out early or anything!)…you can think it’s dorky to have a theme for a 1-year-old’s birthday but…it’s Iain’s birthday and I think it’s cute 🙂 The first of many to come 😀

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