
Archive for September 22nd, 2008

A Surprising Milestone

Iain did something rather surprising tonight……he waved!!! It surprised us soooo much. We aren’t big wavers around here (or anywhere Iain goes, actually!) so…tonight…when Jim happened to wave “hi” to Iain…it absolutely shocked us…that he actually waved back! We were both so shocked…Jim did it again…to see if we were imagining it…and every time Jim did it…Iain did it back…with a HUGE smile on his face…it’s AWESOME! He waves his arm back and forth at the elbow…you know? Not the hand wave…because…that’s the wave we’ve been doing (don’t know why…it just is)…and he actually does it back. He looks soooooo proud of himself…of course…it helps that we praise him up and down and hug him and kiss him every time he does it…haha. Now he just has to learn the words that go with it…haha…but it’s sooooooooooooooo awesome. I didn’t think he’d ever wave because we don’t do that…it’s just not something I think to do. It’s not like every time Jim comes home from work…I wave and say “hello”…that would just be weird. Iain does the same wave for “hi” and “bye” and it’s just awesome! It’s an awesome wave and very “Iain”…requires as much activity as a wave can possible require 😀 Ok…just had to say that…now it’s time for bed 🙂 Excitingness!!!

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