
Archive for September 8th, 2008

My sister (Iain’s aunt…hehe) came to visit this weekend. She arrived Friday night and stayed till around 1pm today. It was a great weekend…but wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short (as expected). We watched quite a bit of Vicar of Dibley (which she got Jim and I for a very early Christmas gift…great fun), hung out a lot around the house with Iain and such, went out to linner (being lunch/dinner) at BW3s on Sunday, etc… Iain had a great time playing with his aunt and we can’t wait to see her again!!! She brought a couple birthday gifts for Iain, as well, which Iain is enjoying soooo much. He got a baby laptop and an aquadoodle (he mostly liked holding the marker-type-thing…and if you tried to take it away to show him what he was actually supposed to do with it…he screamed…nothing like over-reacting…haha…he’s a little bit of a “drama king” but…he sure does love that marker!). Took many pictures (of course) and they came out sooo cute 🙂

Oh…we also found a new use for the pen…it enables us to actually play with Iain…’cause the second he’s out of it…he’s off…bouncing off the walls!…you can put all of his toys in the middle of the room…and he won’t even notice they’re there…he just crawls/cruises around everywhere and whenever he gets to a wall…he stands for a few second…before crawling off to his next destination…which is great! and a lot of fun but sometimes it’s nice to play with him and his many toys…they are good for his development, too…which is when the pen comes in handy. He loves playing with his toys…but he loves exploring, too, so we make sure he has plenty of time for both 🙂













Update at 3:52pm: Kind of funny…was just going to update this post when my mother mentioned Iain’s new clothes…but…I’m going to update it anyway 🙂 My parents sent along a bunch of new clothes for Iain…the 2 striped outfits that he’s wearing in the pictures above, another gray shirt and red pants, a very “cool” hat with flames, a pair of winter mittens and a navy hooded sweatshirt. All very nice and cute and comfy (all very important things). My mother also sent out the bathroom window curtain, which was promptly hung in the window and looks great! (some other things were sent as well 🙂 ) Here’s a picture of the hat and mittens…they are awesome and match his winter coat (I’m sure you’ll see plenty of pictures in the winter, as well 🙂 ).
Flame Hat and Mittens

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A New Haircut

Iain got a professional haircut Friday night in preparation for his aunt’s arrival (and ’cause he needed one really badly). I know that I previously said that we’d be taking care of the haircuts but…we really didn’t know how…and he needed an all over haircut so…we went to Best Cuts and it was inexpensive and they did a wonderful job! I am soooo upset though…’cause I forgot our camera…very unlike me but…we’ll have to take it with us next time (probably in a month for his b-day party 🙂 ). After watching how easily they do it…we are ALWAYS taking him there instead of doing it ourselves. Iain was wonderful…luckily he doesn’t mind strangers. He sat on my lap…had his own backwards cape (as we called it) and just sat quietly, smiling every once in a while. He didn’t cry/scream AT ALL. I was soooo impressed and so was everyone else there…guess babies usually cry there. They even used the electric cutter thingy to neaten the edges and he didn’t even care. He sat pretty still…only moved his head around…which is to be expected…I’m impressed those people can cut baby hair so well with them moving their heads around all the time…it’s not like you can tell them where to move their head or to be still so…you have to deal with what you get…impressive. Iain was great though…great first experience! Anyway…he has the cutest little boy haircut now…soooooooo adorable…first of many to come 🙂 They ended up taking about an inch to an inch and a half off everything, except the top…they left a little extra there. Anyway…didn’t really take official before and after pictures. Tried…but didn’t really get good ones like last time…it’s really difficult to take pictures of Iain now…he never sits still!…that’s ok….(Oh…and his shirt isn’t dirty…haha…they put baby powder on his to get the cut hair off of him 🙂 )


Standing on his piano




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